話題の”青い"プランジャーミュート、新大久保に上陸! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The much-talked-about "blue" plunger mute lands in Shin-Okubo!

KubokanI am Nakamura! This time."Innovative"plunger mute.     ? "Oh, the plunger. I use the one from the toilet."   Yes, yes, this is it.     To b...
クルトワ・ナカリャコフモデルについて語る...。みんなどうやって持ち運んでるの?? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Talking about the Kurtova Nakariakov model.... How do people carry them around?

KubokanThis is Nakamura of I am afraid that I always talk about cases, but this time I would like to think about the storage case of Courtois Nakar...
『中古マウスピース、はじめました〜ユーズド&ヴィンテージのトランペット・マウスピース120点をドーン!!』開催イベントのお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Used Trumpet Mouthpieces - 120 Used and Vintage Trumpet Mouthpieces! Event Information

120 used & vintage trumpet mouthpieces are available with a bang!Sale starts at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 19  Okubo GakkiThenLOTUSas well a...
新時代のトランペッターが使うべき楽器とは - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

What instruments should be used by the new generation of trumpeters?

Again, such an overreaction... What do you mean by "new age trumpeter"...   This way↓.   Sorry for the delay.NakamuraI am Nakamura. Although the t...
夜の青梅街道で爆速ウォーキングおじさんを見かけたら!? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

If you see an uncle walking at a high speed on Ome Kaido at night!

  Recently, there is a rumor going around that Kubotube manager Mizumoto disappears in the opposite direction of Shin-Okubo Station, in the directi...

\"Ruthenium Plating Festival" will be held.

This project has ended. Thank you very much for the many requests. Ruthenium-plated mouthpieces areClick herefor the mouthpieces with ruthenium tre...
新大久保に住んでみた話 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A story about living in Shin-Okubo

  Kubo TubeNakamuraThe following is a summary of the report. Suddenly, have you ever lived near your workplace? Yes, this time it is 100% persona...
くぼ管なかむらのケース通信 トランペット&フリューゲルホルンケース編 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Kubokan Nakamura's Case Communication: Trumpet & Flugelhorn Case Edition

This is Nakamura of Kubokan. This time, I would like to introduce cases for trumpeters all over Japan. For big bands and brass bands, the trouble ...
新ブランド・HUBER MUSIC、取り扱い開始!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

New brand, HUBER MUSIC, started handling!

  This is Nakamura, Kubotube! I realized that there are only 3 days left in January, and one twelfth of the year is over. (Sad).   I am working ha...
自由自在!?ピストンボタンのカスタム事例の紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Freedom! Includes examples of custom piston buttons!

Thank you for your continued support this year. hollow tube NakamuraIt's Nakamura.   Recently, I have been repairing various instruments, and somet...
2024年! 年明け大放出祭り!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

2024! New Year's Eve Great Release Festival!!!!

How are you spending your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? TCGAKKIThanks to all of you, we are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year!   Sinc...
管楽器洗浄に革命!菊池、4年越しの念願叶う。 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Revolution in wind instrument cleaning! Kikuchi's long-cherished wish of over 4 years came true.

Hello! I am from Okubo Wind Instrument Store RepairKikuchiI am Kikuchi!    Suddenly, do you know where the instruments that arrive at Okubo Wind I...