Please instruments are not consumables,instruments are not expendable, and they are not only required to be clean and new!
Because we specialize in used instruments, we don't just give you a negative valuation like other stores.
Our veteran staff has 35 years of knowledge and understanding of the value of musical instruments in Japan.Top Classto the top class in Japan!
The professional repairmanIn-house maintenanceandCustomers who look forward tois another reason why we are able to purchase at a high price (this is the difference between us and online specialists).
It's hard to take it to the store where you bought it.I understand that you may feel "it's hard to take it to the store where I bought it".
But in fact, the staff at the storeThey are not concerned at all, in fact, they know the maintenance historyAnd they are very grateful because it is easy to re-sell them.