The original machine is expensive and is worried about maintenance and failure, so it is a rack type shape.EffectorMany users had worries such as not getting into the board.compact·EffectorIf it becomes, you can easily carry it to the studio etc.!
The circuit of that "Rocknan" is redesigned and assembled in a Japanese factory. Overcoming the weaknesses of the original circuit such as noise reduction, the development of a new product that simply enjoys the Rockman (Rockman) sound is "" "TCGAKKIIs the initiative to supervise!
To realize this projectTCGAKKIEffectorUnder Chief Sano, I created a sanofaceTCGAKKIEffectorTeam and unique& Many of the "G.O.A..T", which manufactures and sells geeky items, and many famous machinesEffectorIs designedThe engineer and the domestic factory worked togetherA special team is borndid.