能囃子の世界を覗いてみませんか!? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Would you like to take a peek into the world of Noh music?

If there is a problem, it is up to you to decide what to do.(From "Hananarai nai nakusho" by Zeami)The musicians of Noh are instrumentalists who l...
メッキのカラーサンプルをご用意いたしました! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Color samples of plating are available!

Various colors, plating color samples of mouthpieces are now available (^^)/The basic 9 colors are as follows.GoldFerric GoldPink GoldGreen Goldrut...
くぼ管オリジナル・トランペット用フィンガーボタン“くぼタン”好評です\(^o^)/ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Kubokan's original finger button for trumpet "Kubotan" is very popular \(^o^)/.

Kubokan's original products "Easy to press and easy to change the sound".The concept of the trumpet piston button is "easy to press and change the...
カリキオユーザー必見!ピストンバネを復刻いたしましたVer.1 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

must-see for calicio users! Piston spring has been reissued Ver.1

This is Nakamura of Kubotube Custom Club!Calikio" is a maker from the west coast of the United States.Freddie Hubbard, Chuck Findlay, Jerry Hay, an...


We have been selling AR RESONANCE trumpets and mouthpieces since last October, and this month marks one year since then.To commemorate our first an...
江戸時代の古管から昭和の新管まで、個性豊かな能管をご用意いたしました - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

From old Noh pipes of the Edo period to new Noh pipes of the Showa period, we have prepared a wide variety of unique Noh pipes.

You can try out the flute by visiting our store.Each Noh flute has its own unique sound and blowing comfort.Please take this opportunity to experie...
管楽器の種類 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Types of wind instruments

There are many types of "wind instruments," but they can be divided into three main categories based on the mechanism of sound production. Each of...
第三弾 : 理想の音色を求めて… - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Part 3 : In Search of the Ideal Tone...

  [Introduction Why are people so fascinated by the sound of the violin? The first time I heard the sound of a violin up close was several year...
第二弾:弦楽器業界のしがらみ&価格の秘密 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Part 2: Strings in the String Industry & Price Secrets

  Is it at a level where it can be used for recitals and concerts? From customers who are active as teachers and performers, I would like to ...
第一弾:不安だらけの弦楽器選び - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Part 1: Choosing a stringed instrument full of uncertainty

  ~ The Musings of a String Concierge Who do you consult when you want to play an instrument? It would be nice if you had a family member or f...
弦楽器のオモシロ知識 20選 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

20 interesting knowledge about stringed instruments

Even if you are interested in learning how to play the violin or cello, stringed instruments tend to be seen as somewhat difficult to get to know...
楽器健康診断 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Musical instrument health checkup

<Diagnosis fee: 3,300 yenAt the storeMusical instrument health check, please!Please feel free to ask. A professional repairman will check every...