ベース担当オダの日常奮闘記#3 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

BassOda's Daily Struggles #3

Hello, my name is Bass This is Oda in charge of Bass! It's already the end of March.Since the beginning of this year, we have been preparing a new...
設備工事に伴うお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Notice of Facility Construction

Thank you for visiting our store.This is an announcement from TCGAKKI. Due to the construction of facilities on the first floor of our building, TC...

Regarding the future arrival of GOAT BLUESERIES GENERATOR II

Due to the great response we have received, the GOAT BLUESERIES GENERATOR(II) is currently out of stock. Thank you very much.The next shipment is s...
GOAT BLUESERIES 最新作開発決定!クラウドファンディング開始! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

GOAT BLUESERIES The latest work is now in development! Crowdfunding started!

Finally, a new model of GOAT BLUESERIES! Starting with the GENERATOR, followed by the STEREO CHORUS, STEREO ECHO, and SUSTAINOR, the GOAT BLUESERI...
MGBass 新入荷モデルを一挙ご紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

MGBass Introducing all the new arrival models!

Hello, this is Oda! I'd like to introduceTCGAKKIis an authorized distributorMGBass GuitarsMGBass Guitars is an authorized distributor of MGBass Gui...
ベース担当オダの日常奮闘記#2 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

BassOda's daily struggles #2

BassOda's daily struggles #1Click here!   Hello, I'm Oda!BassI am Oda in charge!It is now the second half of January.I wish you a Happy New Year, e...
話題の”青い"プランジャーミュート、新大久保に上陸! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The much-talked-about "blue" plunger mute lands in Shin-Okubo!

Wind instrument
KubokanI am Nakamura! This time."Innovative"plunger mute.     ? "Oh, the plunger. I use the one from the toilet."   Yes, yes, this is it.     To b...
クルトワ・ナカリャコフモデルについて語る...。みんなどうやって持ち運んでるの?? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Talking about the Kurtova Nakariakov model.... How do people carry them around?

Wind instrument
KubokanThis is Nakamura of I am afraid that I always talk about cases, but this time I would like to think about the storage case of Courtois Nakar...
新年初売り!【Advance Guitars】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

New Year's First Sale! Advance Guitars

This is Inoue of Advance Guitars. Happy New Year! This year marks our third year as Advance. While it seems like a blink of an eye, it is strange t...
2025年はこのケースで決まり!機能もデザインもバランスの取れたあのケースを大放出! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

This is the case for 2025! We are releasing that case that is well-balanced in both function and design!

  Celebrate the year 2025! Happy New Year everyone!   In honor of the Year of the Snake... I don't have anything special to say about the year of t...
年末セール!【Advance Guitars】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Year-end sale! Advance Guitars

Hello, I'm Mr. Kayla. This is Inoue from Advance Guitars. Only a few more days left in 2024.What kind of year was it for you? As for me, I went to ...
年末は我慢!年始に輝くTC楽器の初売りを渇望せよ!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Endurance at the end of the year! Shine at the beginning of the yearTCGAKKICrave the first sale of the year!

What kind of year was 2024 for you all? This yearTCGAKKIwas the 5th edition of the Modified Guitar Contest, which celebrated its 10th anniversary!e...