オダと学ぶ♪Fender豆知識 第3回  ボディ材/塗装/ネックプレート/ピックガード/ノブ編 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Learning with Oda♪Fender Trivia #3: Body Material/Paint/Neck Plate/Pick Guard/Knobs

OdaThe following is the list of Fender's Fender beans!I have been uploading trivia about electric guitars on X (Twitter),I will write more detailed...
オダと学ぶ♪Fender豆知識 第2回  指板/ネックシェイプ/ヘッドシェイプ編 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Learning with Oda♪Fender Trivia - Part 2: Fingerboard/Neck Shape/Head Shape

OdaThe following is a summary of the Fender Trivia! I have been uploading trivia about electric guitars on X (Twitter),I will write more detailed ...
伝説のMaster Builderが制作したシグネイチャーモデルが入荷!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Signature models created by the legendary Master Builder are in stock!

NIHEYThe legendary Master Builder's signature model is in stock!If you are an electric guitarist, you have probably heard the name, "Jeff Beck」「Eri...
GW激アツイベント“100円均一”のお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

GW Hot Event "100 yen Uniform

    Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!Hello, everyone,TCGAKKIMy name is Naito from /Advance Guitars.It's almost time for GW (Golden Week) to begin.Have you decided ...
第5回 改造ギターコンテスト開催決定!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The 5th Modified Guitar Contest!

We are no longer accepting entries. Thank you for all the entries.   NIHEYThank you very much!   Here we go again this year,Remodeling Contestseas...
Vintage Fender Mustang 勢揃い!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Vintage Fender Mustangs!

NIHEYVintage Fender Mustangs!   I hope everyone is doing well in this season of rapidly changing temperatures, when it is easy to get sick. It is M...
Fender Vネックの秘密 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Secrets of Fender V-Neck

Electric GuitaristNIHEYI'm Nihei!   When you say "1950's Fender neck shape", V-neck is what comes to mind, isn't it? The characteristic V-shape is ...
2024年! 年明け大放出祭り!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

2024! New Year's Eve Great Release Festival!!!!

How are you spending your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? TCGAKKIThanks to all of you, we are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year!   Sinc...
Fender Jaguar 1960年代中期の個体が複数本入荷!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Multiple Fender Jaguar mid 1960's in stock!

Electric GuitarOdaI am I am pleased to announce the vintageFender JaguarWe are pleased to announce that we have just received several vintage Fende...
オダと学ぶ♪Fender豆知識 第1回 ロゴ/インレイ/バインディング/ペグ編 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Learning with Oda♪Fender Tidbits - 1st Logo/Inlay/Binding/Pegs

OdaIt is! I've been uploading tidbits of knowledge about electric guitars on X (Twitter) almost every day recently! Since I can only tell you in a...
夢のダブルネックが大量です! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A large number of dream double necks!

Nihei.It is!!!! Suddenly,Double-necked guitarsis romantic, isn't it? I saw one when I was in high school.Led Zeppelin I saw Jimmy Page's double-nec...
Fender Custom Shopの最高峰 Master Built Seriesが多数入荷! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Fender Custom Shop's top-of-the-line Master Built Series is in stock!

Electric GuitarNIHEY&Odais! Established in 1987 as Fender's premier sectionFender Custom Shop。   Fender Custom Shop offers a wide range of mo...