"Full of playful spirit😄” TCGAKKIOriginal Project Series"

Raw Reverb Eleaco

Advance Guitars and GOAT have teamed up to develop a new acoustic guitar based on the idea of "what a guitar like this would be like". The new "Reverb Eleaco" is equipped with an innovative reverb system!


FUZZ FACE with NKT275 germanium transistor loved by Jimi Hendrix and others,TCGAKKIThis is an effect pedal finished from a unique point of view.
Sano, a man who scrutinizes more than 2,000 effect pedals a year, has created the ideal fuzz pedal.


The Rockman sound in a compact size! Veteran engineers with extensive knowledge of Rockman have thoroughly analyzed the original circuitry. The legendary sound has been reborn as a compact pedal with modern usability. Made in Japan!

Next Generation Fighter

The next generation stealth fighter demonstrator (ATD-X) is made in Japan.TCGAKKIhas been made into a guitar. Please enjoy the spacy sound from the bright body.


DADADADAKUTSU GARATE" distributed at Comiket 89 on a limited basis, is now available as a guitar! This model is a must-have for all fans of DADADADASHIKAI as well as for all fans of candy!

Ghost in the Shell

Tachikoma, the thinking tank from the world-famous anime "Ghost in the Shell S.A.C.," has been recreated as an electric guitar.TCGAKKIThis is the first collaborative product we have embarked on as a

Cocoa Cigarettes

The design of the "Cocoa Cigarettes," Orion's signature candy, has been retained and made into an electric guitar.