Site Policy

This website is operated by Music Solutions, Inc. and its affiliates.
The following are some of the terms and conditions that we would like you to be aware of before using this website and that may be of use to you.

Copyrights, etc.
The documents, photographs, illustrations, animations, music, software, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Contents") on this Site are protected by copyrights held by Music Solutions Inc. and its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Company") and third parties. Users of this Website may download or otherwise reproduce the Content solely for their personal use or for use within their homes or other similarly restricted areas. If the Content bears the copyright notice of the Company or a third party, the Content must be reproduced with such copyright notice attached. In addition to reproduction for the above purposes, if the copyright holder has indicated individual terms and conditions of use for each Content, you may use the Content in accordance with such terms and conditions.
Except for the above cases and cases stipulated by copyright law, the Content may not be adapted, publicly transmitted, or otherwise used for any purpose or in any manner without the permission of the copyright holder. The Company does not grant any copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, or any other rights to the Company or any third party with respect to the Content on this site, nor does it make any warranty of any kind with respect to the Content on this site.
If the Company deems that the use of this site constitutes an infringement of copyrights as specified above, the Company reserves the right to restrict or cancel the use of this site.

2. Privacy Policy
We strive to manage personal information appropriately. For details, please refer to the right. Privacy Policy

3. Use of Cookies
Cookies are data files that a website sends to your computer so that the website can read them when you visit again. Some pages on this site may use cookies to save you the trouble of entering information each time you visit the site, or to collect information about your visit history.
Cookies do not provide us with any personal information about you. You may refuse to receive cookies. In this case, you may not be able to use some of the services provided by this site.

4. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
This site uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology on pages where personal information is input so that customers can safely input personal information.
With SSL, the data you enter is encrypted on your computer before it is transmitted over the network to the computer where it is registered.

5. Possibility of changes to the content of information on this site and within this site
This site or the content on this site may be changed, modified, deleted, or suspended without notice.
We are not obligated to update the information on this site, nor do we promise to do so. Please note that any information on this Site may not always reflect the latest information.

6. Recommended Environment
The following OS and browsers are recommended to use this site comfortably.
Windows OS: Windows 10
Mac OS: 10.11 or higher
Browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge (latest version), Mozilla Firefox (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version) Safari (latest version) Mac OS environment

Please note that even within the above environment range, some display problems or various functions may not be available depending on the combination of browser and OS. (This includes the use of beta or preview versions of various browsers and some add-ons.)
We will continue to support new browsers as needed, but there may be cases where display or operation stability cannot be ensured due to browser-specific problems that have not been publicly announced.

JavaScript and Style Sheets
This site uses JavaScript and style sheets. Please enable JavaScript and Style Sheets in your browser settings when viewing this site.

Privacy Policy

Compliance with Laws and Regulations Related to Personal Information
We will comply with all laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information.
2. Thorough security control measures for personal information
By properly managing personal information, we strive to prevent the loss, falsification, leakage, and unauthorized access to personal information.
3. Implementation of appropriate handling of personal information
1 When we collect personal information, we will inform you of the purpose of use and contact information.
2 We will use personal information only within the scope of the purpose.
3 We will not obtain personal information through deception or other wrongful means.
4 We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without consent, except in cases of outsourcing or for other legitimate reasons.
5 We will establish procedures for requesting disclosure of personal information.
6 We will take steps to respond to any comments regarding personal information.
4. Personal Information Protection Measures and Continuous Improvement
We will establish rules and regulations concerning personal information and strive to continuously improve them.