ジャズ発祥の地、純・米国製ヴィンテージ・サクソフォンの魅力をあなたに - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The fascination of vintage saxophones made in the USA, the birthplace of jazz, is yours!

How did saxophones born in Europe come to be produced in the birthplace of jazz, the continental United States?There was a drama of saxophone revi...
第2回改造エフェクターコンテスト結果発表! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Announced the results of the 2nd Modified Effectors Contest!

TCGAKKIThis is Sano, in charge of effectors. As you have all been waiting for, we have announced the results of the 2nd Modified Effectors Contest!...
Gibson ヴィンテージ J-200の歴史に迫った専門書、発売決定!【Advance Guitars】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A specialized book on the history of the vintage Gibson J-200 is now available for purchase! Advance Guitars

Hello, I'm Mr. J. H. Harris, and welcome to Advance Guitars.Advance Guitars My name is Inoue. This time,Advance Guitars fromGibson SJ-200/J-200Prof...
特価品アンプのご紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Special Price Amplifiers!

This is Oda, the electric guitar/amplifier guy.I'd like to introduce several guitar amps and bass amps.a large price reduction!We have reduced the ...
TC楽器マガジンにて YAMAHA テリー中本 特集更新!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TCGAKKIYAMAHA Terry Nakamoto special feature updated in the magazine!

  Hello!Advance GuitarsofNaitoIt is.    I would like to report on my recent activities,TCGAKKIMagazine UpdateThis is an announcement of the Packed...
YAMAHA SG限定モデルが大量です!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A lot of YAMAHA SG limited edition models!

In charge of electric guitars,NIHEYI'm Nihei!   This guitar has been made since the 1960's as a domestic original guitar.YAMAHA SG。 「Must be the or...
リペアマンはどう生きるか Part.1 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

How Repairmen Live Part.1

How Repairmen Live Part 1 - Should I Go to Vocational School? - Part 2   Hello,Repairman TanakaI am Tanaka.   TC-tuneVideo series by Tokubokan repa...
小河内の休暇【ロンドン〜パリ ‎ひとり旅】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Kogochi's Vacation [Lone Traveler from London to Paris].

Hello, my name is Ogouchi. I am alwaysTCGAKKIThank you for your patronage of our company. I am sorry to tell you this, but I went to England and Fr...
修理に欠かせないの材料のこと-コルク編- - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Materials essential for repair - cork

Hello! This is Takechi from Okubo Wind Instrument Store Repair.🎷   Saxophones, like most brass instruments, are made of a metal called "brass".Cork...
ギター・ベース修理調整に関するご案内 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Guitar and bass repair and adjustment information

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of our store.   We are sorry to inform you that we are currently not accepting any new order...
第2回改造エフェクターコンテスト1次審査を通過した23作品をご紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Introducing the 23 entries that passed the first round of the 2nd Modified Effectors Contest!

  The 23 unique works that passed the first screening of the 2nd Modified Effectors Contest! And the web voting for the second round of judging has...
小山内、初めての〇〇修理 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Koyamauchi, first time 00 repair

Hello!TCGAKKIThe RepairKoyamauchiIt is!   This time I wrote about the repair of a certain object. It is not a musical instrument, however.   Here...