初公開!オリジナルTシャツ製作秘話 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Hello, I am a public relations manager.TsushimaI'm Tsushima.

If you see a suspicious man with blue hair who often talks to stray cats in parking lots in an idiotic voice, saying "What are you doing~? in an idiotic voice to a stray cat in a parking lot, that's me.

 I saw this cat the other day when it was still hot. It was cooling itself by sticking to a metal car stop. Cute.


We launched a new product the other day.TCGAKKIoriginal design T-shirtswhich is available for purchase at our store. How do you like it?

I think it's pretty cool.


"Fuzz Man"and"You Can Fly"although the two new designs are,

This time, this"You Can Fly".design with reproduction photos.


First,T-shirtsTsushima-san was at work to create the new T-shirt design.

I want to create a new T-shirt design.🙄」

The process of creating the new design began when Tsushima-san was at work and thought, "I want to create a new T-shirt design.


As for the timing, it is when I have settled down to work on my YouTube videos and other PR work. When we have settled down with our YouTube videos and other PR work, we say, "Now is the time! and start working on it.


We don't start with design, so we start with thinking.



And it usually boils down to that.



When this happens, the first thing I do is visit this man.

"TCGAKKIHe is the man who is the strongest in a fight," says Nihei.


I have great confidence in your ideas and sense of style.



So I give him a piece of paper and a pen and ask him to draw something. I ask him to draw something.


He drew it right away. As usual, he has a wonderful sense of style.

I am not being sarcastic or anything, I am genuinely a big fan of his drawings.


Once I ask him to paint a picture for me, he paints several quickly.

Of course, some of them are secondary ideas, but he is a rare man who can suddenly come up with an idea out of thin air.

Personally, I have some designs that I would like to print as they are, but I won't do so because they would be meaningless as T-shirts sold by a music shop.


But this time, I would like to take a hint from here.


In the midst of all this, this is what jumped out at me this time


You Can Fly.




He may have just casually drawn a picture of a bird and added the words, but I immediately thought


"Flying V"


I immediately thought of a rock guitar model called "Flying V".


Wouldn't it be nice to fly the V with the words "You Can Fly?"


Now that I got the hint from painter Nihei, I will draw it as soon as possible.


First, cut out and print the image of the flying V.


Since the guitar is very important this time, I tried to trace the guitar with something I had around.


I borrowed the light from a tablet and traced the guitar picture on the overlaid printed paper.

TCGAKKIAll the designs on the original design T-shirts are drawn by me with a sign pen or a brush pen, except for the "Men Wanted" design.

By the way, "Men-sai" is drawn by an experienced calligrapher who is well-known for his calligraphy.Mr. Koyamauchiwho has experience in calligraphy.

He draws quickly with a pen to create warmth, without seeking precision.

Draw some text to accompany it.


I'm done!🎸

This timeMatsui, ManagerI borrowed an oil-based magic marker from the


I will scan and edit this. The size and placement of the text and design should be good. Once the textures are in place, I cut out the background and write it out. submit it to the t-shirt shop and wait for it to arrive.



So, it's done. !!!!

It looks pretty good!

This time, I chose a t-shirt in a color called "Sumi", which looks like charcoal gray.

The color of the painting was white.


The process and quality of the print is such that professional designers would be offended if they saw it done with lined paper and pen, but the T-shirt shop printed it in a cool way in the end, so I was able to make it work.

The design is like this, and every design isTCGAKKIPlease take a look at our T-shirts and see for yourself!


You can find them in the store, so when you come to the store, you can take some home as a souvenir! Click here for the mail order page

Thank you for reading!


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