ギブソンとフェンダーで伝説を作った男 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Seth Lover and PU

TCGAKKINiheiIt is!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, Gibson's...P-490P-490 by Gibson?P-490 is a PU developed by Gibson in 1957.Humbucking PUdeveloped by Gib...
完全数量限定生産!チャンネル登録者数3万人記念ピック発売!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Complete limited quantity production! Commemorative picks for 30,000 channel subscribers on sale!

  Hello! TCGAKKIPublic Relations.TsushimaI'm a member of the public relations team.    We are very pleased to announce that we are now running our...
トランペット・マウスピースの重さのお話 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The Story of Trumpet Mouthpiece Weights

This is Nakamura, Kubo Tube! Dear trumpet players, what do you always base your choice of mouthpiece on?   Rim shape, tone quality, controllability...
「ここに預けて良かった!」委託販売のお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Glad I left it here!" Consignment Sales

I love musical instruments, not because it's my job. I like music. Because we are like that, we handle our customers' beloved instruments with care...
リード難民に救世主!"新素材リード" 大特価セールのお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A savior for reed refugees! New Material Reed" Big Sale!

Hello, everyone! This is Takechi from Kubokan Saxophone Repair.🎷   Reeds" are a necessity for woodwind players. Without reeds, there is no sound, ...

GOAT "BLUESERIES" SUSTAINOR New video finally released!

GOAT "BLUESERIES" SUSTAINOR new video is now available! Thank you very much for your patronage of GOAT "BLUESERIES" products! Four models are now a...
日本初上陸Mid-Fiサウンドの最高峰MGBass発売開始!<MGBass> - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

MGBass, the pinnacle of Mid-Fi sound, launched for the first time in Japan! <MGBass

  We are pleased to announce the release of MGBass,TCGAKKIMGBass Guitars is now the only authorized distributor in Japan for MGBass Guitars, an ...
話題のマウスピース、"パトリック"をご紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Introducing "Patrick," a mouthpiece that is getting a lot of attention!

This is Nakamura, Kubo Tube. This time, I would like to introduce a mouthpiece, "Patrick", which has recently become a hot topic.   Steve Patrick i...


Following the STEREO CHORUS, the GENERATOR is back in a new look! Thank you for your patience! The first GOAT "BLUESERIES" model had been sold out...
「ミュート半額祭り」開催のお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Notice of "Mute Half-Price Festival

This is Nakamura, Kubokan!We have been holding "big discount sales" on all kinds of items, but this time, we are going to hold a sale of a class th...
オダと学ぶ♪Fender豆知識 第4回  トレモロユニット/パテントナンバー編 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Learning with Oda♪Fender Trivia #4 Tremolo Unit/Patent Number

OdaIt is!I have been uploading trivia about electric guitars on X (Twitter),I will write more detailed tidbits in this update since I can only tell...
新時代のトランペッターが使うべき楽器とは - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

What instruments should be used by the new generation of trumpeters?

Again, such an overreaction... What do you mean by "new age trumpeter"...   This way↓.   Sorry for the delay.NakamuraI am Nakamura. Although the t...