アコースティックギター 「へ~!!」と言わせる小話50選 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Acoustic Guitar "Heh! 50 small stories that will make you say

Acoustic Guitar "huh! 50 short stories that will make you say TCGAKKIHere are 50 stories about the acoustic guitar told by Shinnuma, the most gou...
語り継がれる名フレーズ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Famous phrases that will be passed down to the next generation

I want to play the phrase of that song! You tried it but gave up because it was too difficult... You stopped playing the guitar... We want to supp...
弦楽器のオモシロ知識 20選 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

20 interesting knowledge about stringed instruments

Even if you are interested in learning how to play the violin or cello, stringed instruments tend to be seen as somewhat difficult to get to know...
苅部のちょっと気になる一本!! 第六弾 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A little curious one from Karibe! Part 6

Vol. 6 Atlansia - The Ultimate Japanese Vintage Hello, this is Karibe, m(__)m This time,Atlantia (#`Д´) no." A miraculous arrival of a gem with a...
苅部のちょっと気になる一本!! 第三弾 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A little curious one from Karibe! Part 3

The third "Ibanez" "Paul Stanley" signature model! Hello, this is Karibe, m(__)m We have received warm words of appreciation from our customer...
苅部のちょっと気になる一本!! 第一弾 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A little curious one from Karibe! Part 1

The first bottle, "heerby", is a little known bottle. Japan Vintage Thank you very much for visiting THE used music shop, "One of a kind". My n...
TC楽器 短編小説 「悩めるタカシの金策編」 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TCGAKKI Short story "The Money Scheme of the Troubled Takashi"

Takashi was distressed, so much so that his face was distorted with anguish. The source of his worry was money. It has been 10 years since he mo...
フォークソング・ジャンボリー - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

folk song jamboree

A column highlighting folk songs of the era and the guitars of the artists who played the songs! All of the artists use a wide variety of guitars...
-重低音ランキング!ダウンチューニング講座!- - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

-Heavy bass ranking! Downtuning course! -Heavy Bass Ranking!

-Heavy Bass Ranking! Down-tuning Lecture! - -Downtuning Lecture! A must-see for those who are just starting out or already playing guitar! Thi...
タカノのドキドキ ギターいじり-ピックアップ交換入門編- - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Takano's Pounding Guitar Tinkering - Introduction to Pickup Replacement

Takano's Doki Doki Guitar - Introduction to Pickup Replacement - - Takano's Doki Doki Guitar When we buy several hundred guitars a year and loo...
ドキドキ ギターいじり-シンクロナイズド・トレモロブリッジ!! フローティング調整講座!! 編- - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Pounding Guitar Tinkering - Synchronized Tremolo Bridge! Floating Adjustment Course! Edition

  -Synchronized tremolo bridge! Floating Adjustment Course! Part 2 Tuning is out of tune even after tuning.., ・ I want to arm up but can't.....


NOBUWORKS A new guitar brand has appeared on the Zaimokuza coast of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, a place known as a famous windsurfing ...