史上最高の奏者にして製管師、三世荒木古童(昭和十年没)作の銀輪継ぎの八寸管、三印の最良品 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The best player and pipe maker of all time, Kodo Araki III (died in 1935), made an 8-sun koto with a silver ring joint, the best of the three marks.The price has been greatly reduced!

Kodo III, who was also called the greatest shakuhachi master in the history of shakuhachi, was also an outstanding shakuhachi player and a talented pipe maker, but because he devoted himself to playing and studying classical shakuhachi pieces, he made only a small number of pipes and only a few shakuhachi are still in existence.

The shakuhachi is made with a highly sophisticated technique of inserting a tube of ultra-thin tortoiseshell around the mouth of the singing mouth.

This method was patented by Sansei Kodo.

The mouth of the tube is formed without horns, following the example of old tubes.

The bamboo used is the best material with a strong and fine texture. The bamboo tube is so hard that when you play it with your fingers, you can hear it resonate.

The joints are not made with rattan or thick silver rings, but with a very thin silver wire, which is a clever way to show that the upper and lower tubes are still made of a single piece of bamboo.

Mr. Sansei Kodo passed away at the young age of 56, and this piece was handed to him the year before he passed away. It may have been the last one in his lifetime. It is a gem worthy of being a historical masterpiece.

Three koban-shaped branding marks (sampojirushi) were applied only to the one pipe that he was satisfied was the best.

The root at the end of the pipe is intentionally left in place, which is another characteristic appearance of the Sansei-kodo kan.

1934 Kodo Araki III, Kotoko 8sun kan, silver, one line, three seals


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