能囃子の世界を覗いてみませんか!? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

If there is a problem, it is up to you to decide what to do.
(From "Hananarai nai nakusho" by Zeami)

The musicians of Noh are instrumentalists who literally play the music for the dancers on stage. At the same time, as they are lined up on the stage, they are members of the performers, and at times, they are on equal footing with the leading actor, the shite. Therefore, they are required not only to perform beautifully, but also to have dignified beauty in their movements and appearance.


There is no conductor for the music of Noh. Moreover, the rhythm and timing are not constant, but fluctuate from moment to moment. Despite this, there is no rehearsal-like rehearsal. There is only one simple rehearsal. Then, the performance is held only once. Each member of the ensemble must be able to sense each other's expressions, and must work in unison to achieve a once-in-a-lifetime performance.

The recorded performance presented here was recorded on the stage of the Umewaka Noh Theater in Nakano.
All performances are one-take performances. There are no re-recordings. Please enjoy the unique tension-filled music of Noh.

For other performances, please see Hyakunindo/TCGAKKIproduction page. In addition to the performance videos, detailed information on the four instruments used in Nohayashi (Noh flute, kotsuzumi, otsuzumi, and taiko) is also available, along with videos of how each instrument is played and handled.
We hope you will be interested in learning more about the depth and mysterious characteristics of the instruments used in Noh.

Hyakunindo/TCGAKKISpecial production page "Secrets of Noh Musical Instruments

TC Musical Instruments 3F Japanese Musical Instruments Corner offers a wide variety of kotsuzumi and ootsuzumi tabor made in the Edo period.All of our current inventory is significantly discounted by more than 40% from the regular selling price!The current inventory is all at a 40% discount from the regular sale price.

Unfortunately, due to the prolonged Corona disaster, we have not had many visits or inquiries, so we still have many items at great prices. Don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of this offer.


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