年末は我慢!年始に輝くTC楽器の初売りを渇望せよ!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Endurance at the end of the year! Shine at the beginning of the yearTCGAKKICrave the first sale of the year!

What kind of year was 2024 for you all? This yearTCGAKKIwas the 5th edition of the Modified Guitar Contest, which celebrated its 10th anniversary!e...
TMG Guitarご購入者限定!TMG Tシャツプレゼントキャンペーン! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TMG T-shirt present campaign for TMG Guitar purchasers only!

Electric Guitar
If you purchase a TMG Guitar or order a TMG Guitar at our store, you will receive a TMG T-shirt as a free gift!TMG T-shirt as a present!AndCampaign...
【入荷】70年代 Fender Precision Bass 3本弾き比べてみた! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

In stock] I compared three 70's Fender Precision Bass!

Hello, this is Oda! This is Oda!This is a personal story, but I've been playing bass for 1 year.⚫I have never owned a single plebe until now. AndTC...
GW激アツイベント“100円均一”のお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

GW Hot Event "100 yen Uniform

Acoustic guitar
    Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!Hello, everyone,TCGAKKIMy name is Naito from /Advance Guitars.It's almost time for GW (Golden Week) to begin.Have you decided ...
第5回 改造ギターコンテスト開催決定!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The 5th Modified Guitar Contest!

Electric Guitar
The second round of judging is currently underway! Stay tuned for further updates! We are now displaying the works that have passed the first round...
Vintage Fender Mustang 勢揃い!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Vintage Fender Mustangs!

Electric Guitar
NIHEYVintage Fender Mustangs!   I hope everyone is doing well in this season of rapidly changing temperatures, when it is easy to get sick. It is M...
2024年! 年明け大放出祭り!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

2024! New Year's Eve Great Release Festival!!!!

Electric Guitar
How are you spending your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day? TCGAKKIThanks to all of you, we are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year!   Sinc...
TC楽器GWフェスティバル2023 開催!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TC Musical Instruments GW Festival 2023 Held!

Acoustic guitar
TCGAKKIIt is! How are you all doing?      We are approaching the second half of April, and that time of the year is approaching again!       That'...
最大100%!TC楽器『総買戻し祭り』 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Maximum 100%!TCGAKKITotal Repurchase Festival"

Acoustic guitar
AlwaysTCGAKKIThank you very much for your patronage to We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage of our com...
TMG Guitarに関するお知らせ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Notice Regarding TMG Guitar

Electric Guitar
TCGAKKIWe would like to inform you about TMG Guitar, our authorized distributor brand.   Please visit TMG Guitar website for more information.   h...
最もギター弦を長持ちさせられるのはどれ?弦用クリーナー5種類で比較! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Which one will make your guitar strings last the longest? A comparison of 5 different string cleaners!

Acoustic guitar
 Hi, I am a guitarist and I am looking for a guitar string cleaner!String KoyamauchiIt is!   Ladies and gentlemen, playing the guitar is fun, but i...
待望の新作オリジナルピック完成!店頭でも通販でも購入できます! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Long-awaited new original picks completed! Available in stores and by mail order!

Acoustic guitar
  We are pleased to announce that we are now selling our original picks! Two types of picks with different shapes and thicknesses!   On the fron...