初心者向けギターで最強のブランドとは!?当たりの個体はある? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

What is the best brand of guitar for beginners? Is there a winning guitar?

TCGAKKI CaribeYes!!!!What is the strongest brand of guitar for beginners!Do you have the right one?is now open to the public!TCGAKKIIt is now bein...
G&Lベース解説!各生産国による特徴・見分け方は?【教えてカリベさんvol.5】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

G&L Base Explained! How to distinguish the characteristics of G&L basses by country of production? Teach us, Mr. Caribe vol.5

G&L Bases Explained! What are the characteristics of G&L bases and how to distinguish them by country of production? Teach Me Caribe vol.5TCGAKKI ...


Since its launch, the GOAT GENERATOR has received a great response from all quarters, both domestic and international. Thank you very much!From now...


We have been selling AR RESONANCE trumpets and mouthpieces since last October, and this month marks one year since then.To commemorate our first an...
江戸時代の古管から昭和の新管まで、個性豊かな能管をご用意いたしました - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

From old Noh pipes of the Edo period to new Noh pipes of the Showa period, we have prepared a wide variety of unique Noh pipes.

You can try out the flute by visiting our store.Each Noh flute has its own unique sound and blowing comfort.Please take this opportunity to experie...
"GOOD SOUND" ??????? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

"GOOD SOUND" ???????

Hello, everyone. This is Ryusei from Advance Guitars. As we head into the peak of summer, I hope you're all staying cool and comfortable during you...
プロ野球球団公認エフェクターGOAT CENTRAL FX SERIESからの耳寄りなお知らせ!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

An earful from the GOAT CENTRAL FX SERIES, the official effector of the professional baseball team!

Super discount! The GOAT CENTRAL FX SERIES, the official effector of the professional baseball team, is now available at a special price!     TC...
第1回 改造エフェクターコンテスト開催!!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The 1st Modified Effectors Contest!

The 1st Modified Effectors Contest!TCGAKKIThe 1st Modified Effectors Contest!Following the "Modified Guitar Contest" held once every two years,Wha...
【楽器フェア2020】TC楽器も11日-13日参戦!!【イベントまとめ】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Musical Instrument Fair 2020TCGAKKIThe first "Musical Instruments Fair 2020" will be held from 11th to 13th! Event Summary

Hey, guys!TCGAKKII'm a member of the "MIA"!Musical Instruments Fair 202011-13th,TCGAKKIwill also participate in the fair!Musical Instruments FairWe...
TC楽器ではギターの改造を推進しています!!  〜改造のロマン〜 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TCGAKKIWe promote guitar modification!  〜The romance of modification

of modificationThe Romance of Modification!Suddenly,TCGAKKIis a music store,We promote guitar modifications!Why?We're a music store, you should tak...
TC楽器30周年特別企画 TMG Guitar × 坂本夏樹 弾きまくって、しゃべくる会 Vol.1 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TC Gakki 30th Anniversary Special Event TMG Guitar x Natsuki Sakamoto "Play around, talk around" Vol.1

TC Gakki 30th Anniversary Special EventTMG Guitar x Natsuki Sakamoto "Play Around, Talk Around" Vol.1 First Guest: Mr. Naoya IdonumaCommunity-made"...
ドラムの選び方 Part2 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

How to choose drums Part2

  One of the essential items that drummers must have is a tuning key. This is used when setting up the drum set and adjusting the tension ...