ギブソンとフェンダーで伝説を作った男 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI


Everyone from gibsonP-490Do you know the PU?
P-490 was developed by Gibson in 1957Hambucking PUIt is the name.
Even if you know or not, if you check the hambucking PU, you will almost certainly pass.P.A.F」。
What is P.A.F in the first place?Patent Applied forIt is commonly known as (under applying for a patent), and the official name isP-490Will be.

"P.A.F" is now a legendary PU, but one of the staff involved in the developmentSeth LoverThere is a person.

Seth Lover joins Gibson in 1945.
Before that, he worked as an engineer, such as radar and underwater detectors, and had knowledge of electricity before joining Gibson.
After joining Gibson, I worked on electrical systems such as repair and amplifier development, but I also work on pickups.

Speaking of Gibson's electric guitar before 1957P-90orP-480It was equipped with single coils, but when playing at a loud volume or standing on the amplifier sideEasy noiseI face the problem.
So the Seth Lover and others derivedArrange two coils and offset ham and noiseIt was the idea of ​​trying to do it.
That was developedP-490is!

P-490The development began around 1955, and there was about six months of development, and a patent was obtained around 1959.
He was the president of Gibson at the time and was involved in Les Paul development.TED MCCARTYAnd so on.
The P-490 developed in this way is the basis of the current electric guitar.

If you ask so farSet lover = gibsonThere is an image, but what is the set lover?FenderBut I was working !!

Seth Lover, who joined Fender in 1967, develops several PUs in Fender.
Among them, the most famous PU is "Wide RANGE Humbucker"is.
Wide RANGE Speaking of HumbuckerTelecaster CustomorTelecaster DeluxeIt is a characteristic shape of a hambucker installed in etc. !!
The structure has almost the same structure as Gibson's P-490, but the sound is bright and has a good loss in a high range close to a single.

Seth Lover asked me to make a PU with the same sound as Gibson from Fender, but I felt that the tone required for Fender's electric is a little different from Gibson, and Wide. RANGE We have developed a Humbucker with a bright tone like Humbucker.

Seth Lover, who worked in Fender until 1975, retires according to CBS's retirement age.

The Seth Lover, which was developing a PU from a manufacturer that is indispensable in talking about the history of electric guitar called Gibson and Fender, is one of the indispensable people as Fender and Gibson!

Electric Guitar

2 Comment



正しくは、wide range humbackerですね!



僕が間違えてるかもしれませんがWide Large HumbuckerじゃなくてWide Range Humbuckerではないでしょうか?

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