Martin / 2017 HD-28
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[Specs/Included Case]
TOP : Spruce
BACK/SIDES : Rosewood
NECK : Select Hardwood
NUT WIDTH : 43mm
SCALE : 645mm
CASE : Original Hardshell case
-There are a few dents and scratches, but the overall appearance is in good condition.
-There are no problems in playing, such as chattering or sound clogging.
-String height at the 12th fret: 2.1mm on the 6th string, 1.5mm on the 1st string.
-Saddle protrusion: approx. 2.5mm to 2.0mm
[Warranty: 6 months]
[Mail Order Relief Service].
Since we are unable to offer customers the opportunity to try out our products by mail order, we offer a 6-day trial period after the product arrives at your home.
If you are not satisfied with the product, we will refund the purchase price.
*The customer is responsible for return shipping costs.