2Fベースコーナー&1Fエフェクターコーナーコラボ買取キャンペーンのお知らせ! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Bass Corner on 2F & Effectors Corner on 1F Collaboration Purchase Campaign!

  We are pleased to announce that TC Gakki's 2F Bass Corner and 1F Effectors Corner have collaborated to offer a new campaign titled"Everyone's got...
HEADWAY(Late1970s~Early1980s) 買取強化!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

HEADWAY(Late1970s~Early1980s) Strengthening purchase!

Hello!TCGAKKI This is Inoue!   TCGAKKI Acoustic Guitar Floor (2nd floor) March Purchase Campaign is here!"HEADWAY (Late1970s~Early1980s) Strengthe...
【TC楽器 "R4.3月"買取キャンペーン!!!】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

【TCGAKKI R4.March" Purchase Campaign!

【TCGAKKI R4.March" Purchase Campaign! TCGAKKI Hirabayashi(Hirabayashi)andKaribe(Karibe!I'm Karibe and I'm a member of the monthlyTCGAKKI Monthly "...
"YAMAHA アコースティックギター買取強化!!" - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

"YAMAHA Acoustic Guitar Purchase Enhancement!"

Hello!TCGAKKI This is Inoue! As of this month, I, Inoue, have replaced the electric guitarist as the acoustic guitarist! Therefore, I would like t...
アコギ用ハードケース大量入荷!!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A lot of hard cases for acoustic guitars in stock!

Hello! This is Acoustic floor!   It's almost time to move to a new place to prepare for your new life... I'm sure there are many of you who are mov...
【TC楽器 "R4.1月"買取キャンペーン!!!】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

【TCGAKKI R4.January" Purchase Campaign!

【TCGAKKI R4.January" Purchase Campaign! TCGAKKI Hirabayashi(Hirabayashi)andKaribe(Karibe!I'm Karibe and I'm a member of the monthlyTCGAKKI Monthly ...
2021年再生回数ランキングTOP3発表!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Top 3 Views Ranking in 2021 Announced!

TCGAKKI CaribeThe top 3 are!Top 3 Views Ranking in 2021 announced!The controversial video ranked first...?The controversial video is now on view!TC...
Gibson Chet Atkins モデル高額買取[アコフロア] - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Gibson Chet Atkins model purchased at high price [ACOFLOOR].

Chet Atkins model, now discontinued...However, as a very popular model, the demand is increasing even now!Please bring them in to our store! We wil...
試奏動画!!】TMGは"ベース"もあります!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Trial video! TMG also has "BASS"!

TCGAKKI CaribeTMG also has a "bass"!TMG Trial Video!LA musicians are using TMG! What kind of bass is TMG?What kind of bass is TMG?TCGAKKIThe video ...
【くぼ管カスタム倶楽部】カリキオユーザー必見!ピストンバネ作ってみましたVer.2 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Kubotube Custom Club] Calikio users must see! Piston spring made Ver.2

Calikio" is still a favorite maker of many users.Many makers have made instruments based on Calikio as well as vintage backs, but the popularity o...
的中率100%!!?? 噂の占い師「GYO」の血液型別楽器診断 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

100% accuracy rate! Diagnosis of instruments by blood type by the rumored fortune teller "GYO

TCGAKKIIt is!Let's take a look at your current fortune by blood type and musical instrument fortune-telling by the up-and-coming fortune-teller "GY...
どんな高額なプレゼントより「記憶」に残る贈り物♪ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

A gift that is more "memorable" than any expensive gift.♪

It can be a pleasant surprise for an important anniversary or a gift for a loved one.TCGAKKINow to the guitar campus.We will deliver your treasured...