アコースティックギター 「へ~!!」と言わせる小話50選 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Acoustic Guitar "Heh! 50 small stories that will make you say

Acoustic Guitar "huh! 50 short stories that will make you say TCGAKKIHere are 50 stories about the acoustic guitar told by Shinnuma, the most gou...
語り継がれる名フレーズ - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Famous phrases that will be passed down to the next generation

I want to play the phrase of that song! You tried it but gave up because it was too difficult... You stopped playing the guitar... We want to supp...
楽器健康診断 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Musical instrument health checkup

<Diagnosis fee: 3,300 yenAt the storeMusical instrument health check, please!Please feel free to ask. A professional repairman will check every...