GOAT "BLUESERIES" SUSTAINOR New video is now available!

Thank you for your patronage of GOAT "BLUESERIES" products!

Four models are now available: GENERATOR, STEREO CHORUS, STEREO ECHO, and SUSTAINOR.

Have you ever wondered whether you should buy GENERATOR or SUSTAINOR?

The GENERATOR, which dares to specialize in distortion functions, is basically just a distortion ON/OFF switch, but the SUSTAINOR is a 2-channel type, so it can be used for both distortion and distortion.However, SUSTAINOR is a 2-channel model that allows you to choose between 2 different clean sounds as well as distortion.

What if you want to reproduce the intro of BOSTON's first album "More Than a Feeling" (clean to distortion)?

Since the SUSTAINOR is a 2-channel system, you can set one side to distortion and the other side to clean sound, for example, and easily switch between the two.

By combining the clean sound, which is the best feature of the SUSTAINOR, with the STEREO CHORUS, you can easily reproduce the BOSTON sound of the past!

Furthermore, the use of the STEREO ECHO will give you a more gimmicky and spicy sound!

We have created an original song "Fantastic Flight", so if you are not sure whether to buy a GENERATOR or a SUSTAINOR, please take a look at this video!


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