TC楽器が開発に携わった!?Organic Soundsの新作ペダル "Hercules" 発売!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI


※TCGAKKIThis is a pre-sale product.
The product will be on sale in stores from 13:00~ on January 20, 2024 (Sat.). Mail order is scheduled to start at 14:00~.
*Because it will be an inconvenience to the neighborhood,Before the store opensPlease refrain from lining up in front of the store. Please come to the store after the opening time.
Added on 1/20/20/2024
The first shipment is sold out. The next shipment is scheduled to arrive soon, so please wait for further information.


The order page will be posted here.



Hello, I'm Kayo Kato, a member of the "Kayo Kato" group!TCGAKKIIt is!


We've had a number of pedal freaks hooked on our pedals.Organic SoundsOrganic Sounds is pleased to announce a new pedal from Organic Sounds, which has captivated many pedal freaks!


The name is

Organic Sounds "Hercules".



This is the real high cost performance! This is a new addition to the HADES series, which boasts of affordable prices and quality!



What kind of pedal is it this time?

This semi-glossy black chassis with white printed...


You may have already noticed it.







It's a RAT!




RAT is characterized by its complex texture of fuzz, distortion, and overdrive, all intertwined with each other.

The current RAT2 is still in production, but it is also known for its finely tuned specifications and sound, such as the Large Box RAT from the 70s~80s, the RAT1 (BlackFace / WhiteFace) and RAT2 (USA Non Slant silver screw) from the 80s, and many more, They are very popular among vintage pedal freaks!



There are many "Big Muff" type pedals and "TS" type pedals, but I have the impression that there are not many RAT pedals that emulate the popularity of the "Big Muff" type pedals. There are many "Big Muff" type pedals and "TS" type pedals, but there are very few pedals that imitate the RAT, and even Sano, who is in charge of EF, was concerned about the lack of pedals that are not "~" type pedals but rather clones.



Nowadays, original RATs are becoming harder to find,TCGAKKIand Organic Sounds,


TC "How about RAT?


Organic "I like it!



This conversation led to the development of the product.


What a great opportunity to be a part of that relationship,


The reference to be used in the development was

TCGAKKIThe RATs from the secret inventory of the company went to help out!


We sent a number of Large Box RATs and RAT1s to Organic Sounds, and the number of vintage RATs we have available is well over double digits...

Finally, it's done...



I played the prototype I received and had a few words to say.



It's a RAT!



To explain for the sake of clarity, this reaction, "It's a RAT!

(unlike current and other RAT-type pedals, which are truly vintage). RAT (sound.) Jang!

The breakdown is as follows.


According to Organic Sounds, "We didn't make any changes."

Organic Sounds says, "We didn't make any changes.


I think that it is a pedal that was made because there is respect and understanding for the original really.


The sound and impressions by Sano & Tsushima are as followsTC Gakki YouTube channelon TC Gakki's YouTube channel!


We are proud to recommend this unit to both RAT fans and those who have always wanted a RAT!


The release date is anxiously awaited.

January 20, 2024 (Sat.) 13:00~ Sales will begin!

TCGAKKIThe first sale will be held on January 20, 2024!

Sales price: 24,200 yen (tax included)
Order page will be posted here.


The first shipment is very limited, so please consider ordering as soon as possible!

Best regards!


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