苅部のちょっと気になる一本!! 番外編!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI


Hello, this is Karibe, m(__)m

I have received many warm words from customers who read my last feature article, "Stingray - NAMM Anniversary Model Celebrating 100th Anniversary! ~We received many warm words from our customers who read our last issue, "Stingray - The 100th Anniversary Model of NAMM! Once again, thank you very much to everyone who took the time to read it. m(__)m!

This time, we would like to introduce not one but an extra edition of "Yo-Yo"!(I think most of you may think, "Why? I think most of you will think "Why?", but please read this column for more details.♪

One day at a pub.
I happened to be sitting behind him,
I happened to find a yo-yo attached to my bag when the president was about to pass behind my seat,

What's this? What's this?


Is this it? It's a yo-yo!

You play the yo-yo?

Yes, I probably collect more than musical instruments (laughs)


(Laughs) We get a lot of international customers, so I think it would be fun to make original yo-yos for them to take home as souvenirs. There are many apparel and novelty related products, but it would be interesting and unexpected if a music store made a real yo-yo (laughs).

(Laughs) Okay, I'll give you permission to make it! I'll give you permission to make it!


...(;Polish Polish)!!!!!?



A few days later, I contacted "Spin Gear", a yo-yo store in Akihabara and Nishi-Hachioji, Tokyo. I went to the shop for a meeting later that day.

We visited the AKIBA CULTURES ZONE store.


Yo-Yo Shop Spin Gear Akihabara
AKIBA Culture's ZONE 3F-D, 1-7-6 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku
Phone/Fax: 03-6206-4200
Open all year round, weekdays 12:00-20:00, weekends and holidays 13:00-20:00

The whole wall is yo-yo! Collectors' items such as Coca-Cola, Detective Skeban, and Hyper Yo-Yo are on display!♪

On the wall, there is an autograph of Mr. "Alex Garcia", who is a nostalgic figure for the Hyper Yo-Yo generation! I wish I could have had it... It was a weekday, but there were a lot of visitors.

Profile of Takahiko Hasegawa "TAKA":
Born in 1975, Hasegawa was the 2002/2005/2011 AP World Yo-Yo Champion, the 2000 Team Play World Champion, and the 1999 world's first to perfect the "Solo Hum," the most difficult technique to control two yo-yos with one hand. In 2003, he became the first non-American to receive the Yo-Yo Master Award for his contribution to the yo-yo world. He is active as a professional instructor, performer, coordinator, and judge. In 2011, he started his own yo-yo store in Akihabara, Tokyo, where he works as a manager and performer.
*A quote from a page of Yo-Yo Tomonkai.

Takahiko Hasegawa Official Site Yo-Yo Tomonokai

The man of your dreams is right in front of you!
I must have met him several times...but I was extremely nervous...lol Before the meeting, he showed me some of his techniques.

Takahiko Hasegawa "TAKA" YOYO PLAY!!!


 And here is one of his signature moves, "Solo Ham"!


Well...I wish I could do it again!
Thank you very much for your time.

I had already sent you a design proposal, but this time, we decided to go with "TCGAKKII had sent them a design proposal in advance, but this time, in addition to the " " logo, I wanted to include the logo of the brand I was involved in the production of. I was so selfish that I asked them to include the brand logo in addition to the " " logo, and they did.



Thank you very much for this wonderful collaboration!

And this time, from among many yo-yos,

  • yo-yos that can be enjoyed by both beginners and those who have played before.
  • A high quality model at a price that even a student can afford.
  • Low maintenance yo-yos that can be enjoyed by changing strings

We chose these models based on the concept of "I wish you all the best in your yo-yos!
The day's meeting ended with a discussion about the instrument.

The "Journey" is a plastic model representing YOYOJAM. The basic "butterfly" shape of the yo-yo has a thick, all-plastic body, yet it is stable and popular with a wide range of players, from yo-yo beginners to competitive players. It is a popular yo-yo to purchase when returning from the hyper yo-yo boom of about 10 years ago, and it is also a popular model for step-up and competition yo-yos. It has established itself as a step-up yo-yo and an entry-level competition yo-yo.

Manufacturer: Yo-Yo Jam
Style : String Trick
Weight : approx. 61g
Diameter : 57mm
Width : 42mm
Body material : Polycarbonate/ABS etc.
Response : 0 rings
Bearing (shaft) : C size bearing (standard is flat)
Binding : Both binding and pulling back

However, yo-yo oil is required separately for the pull-back setting.  Some quotes are from Spin Gear's product page.

To create your own original Journey,
We received a special message from Yo-Yo Master TAKA!

Thank you for reading to the end. m(__)m
Well, now... this time, "Caribe's My Personal Favorite Piece - Extra Edition" is almost a column about my personal hobby (lol).

My personal hobby, "yo-yo".

I'm just a nameless staff member of a small music store, but I'm sure there are many guitarists and bassists who say, "I've never yo-yo'd before! I would be very happy if I could help guitarists, bassists, and yo-yo players who say, "I've never played a yo-yo before," and also if I could help yo-yo players to become more interested in music and musical instruments. We hope we can help you in any way we can.

This is the 6th column in the Watakyu series.
I am not sure if there will be a next installment, as I always say. Please look forward to the next installment of "Caribe's My Favorite One".

If you have any questions about instruments or yo-yos, please feel free to contact us,TCGAKKIIf you have any questions about instruments or yo-yos, please contact Caribe.♪


Yo-Yo Shop Spin Gear

YoYoJam | The Choice of Champions

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