楽器屋の選び方 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

What is a music store? A place that sells musical instruments, of course. But even at a fish shop, for example, there are things like, "That store's fish is very fresh! or "This store has a wide variety of fish. Musical instrument shops are no different. Each store has its own strengths and weaknesses, and its product lineup varies.
And a music store is not a place where you just buy something and call it a day. It is normal to have a long term relationship with a music shop, as they provide maintenance afterwards, consult with them when you have problems with the sound, or trade in your instrument when you buy another one. It is important to choose the right store because it can affect the rest of your musical life. Therefore, it is not fair to make a choice based solely on the price at the time of purchase. A first-rate music shop owner should choose a shop that is "useful" in the long run.

This is one of the reasons. It is also convenient for comparison. Moreover, a store with a large inventory will often be able to recommend the right one for you, since the staff there has seen so many instruments. Also, the fact that they have that many instruments in stock is proof that they are trusted by both manufacturers and customers.This is the ironclad rule: "Good instruments gather in good stores.

Indeed. But how can you tell the knowledge of a shopkeeper? Ask them difficult questions? But sometimes they just happen to know the answers. Besides, everyone has their own area of expertise, so it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have outside of the area you want to know. It's just annoying to be lectured at length about such things. So here's the thing! Observe stores that carry many of the types of instruments you are interested in. Musical instrument stores tend to reflect the hobbies and specialties of their staff in their inventory, so those with such an assortment will inevitably have a high level of knowledge about the genre of instruments. However, it is a good idea to be cautious of clerks who explain things to you even if you don't ask, because they often just want to boast about their knowledge. A quiet person may actually be more helpful.The second ironclad rule is: "Read the clerk's knowledge by looking at the assortment.

If you buy an instrument and it doesn't play when you need it most...! If you think about it, the store should be able to provide after-sales service. You are naive if you think that the manufacturer's warranty will take care of the problem! You suddenly have a problem right before a live concert. You rush to the music store, only to be told that it will be sent out by the manufacturer and it will take one to two weeks. The warranty promises to fix the problem for free, but it does not say that the problem will be fixed immediately. However, a musical instrument may suddenly lose its sound, and you can't leave it for that long if you want to practice. So, when you go to a music shop, make sure they have a specialized repair corner or repair room. If the store has repair facilities, you may be surprised to find out that they fixed your instrument while you were smoking.The third ironclad rule is: "Read the after-sales service by the facilities.If the store offers its own warranty, you can be even more assured.

When you buy an instrument, you will need various accessories such as shields and straps. Strings, picks, and batteries are consumables. Therefore, you will naturally visit a music store many times, but it is better to visit the store where you bought the instrument in the first place. It is easier to get useful information, and you can ask how to adjust the instrument you bought and consult with them about various things. So, considering that you are going to visit the shop repeatedly, you should know the price of consumables that you will buy regularly afterwards.The fourth ironclad rule is: "Read the true low price in the small stuff.Also, unexpectedly, beware of "bargain sets containing XXX items. It may sound like a good deal, but is there anything in it that you don't need? Instructional DVDs that you don't like are not good for practice. You should find out what you really need.

There is more to choosing a music store. We asked 100 band members.Cheaper is better."Indeed.The closer to the station, the better.This may be true too."Somewhere scary."You're more scary than I am. But there's something reassuring about being polite. And you're not clingy.And there's a good restaurant nearby.Oh, really? But it's true, if there are many good restaurants in the neighborhood, I look forward to going back there again.Where the waitresses are cute.This may be the most important point after all (laughs). So, there are a lot of things to do.The last ironclad rule is: "Choose a good music shop according to your taste.

When I'm on a tight budget, I always look for used instruments. It's nice to know that it's inexpensive, and there's a lot of fun in searching for unexpected bargains. On the other hand, there are stories of people who have made the mistake of buying used equipment, so there is certainly an aspect of uncertainty. So, here is a thorough comparison of the appeal of new and second-hand items.

You may be thinking, "Well, I'd rather buy new," but wait a minute. These days, instruments at sensible secondhand stores are in pretty good condition. Second-hand stores don't have the backing of the manufacturer, which means they have to do almost all of the tuning themselves. For this reason, many of them hire specialized technical staff. On the other hand, new instruments are often displayed as they are shipped from the manufacturer, and if a problem arises, they are returned to the manufacturer for adjustment. In the past, we used to see many used instruments that were in terrible condition, but recently the number of used instruments in good condition has been increasing, probably because the quality of used stores has improved. Well, auctions may be different. So I think it's fair to say that the condition of used instruments is about 50-50. The rest depends on the store! I guess.

Needless to say, it's a good thing to have a warranty, but as I mentioned before, a warranty card is not a panacea. So, let's pay attention to whether the after-sales service is what you need or not. For example, in the case of repairing the circuitry of an electric guitar, speed may be more important, since a repairman at a second-hand store can often handle the repair sufficiently. If it is a manufacturer's warranty, the repair will be left with the manufacturer, and retailers may not touch it, so it is important to be able to have it looked at on the spot. On the other hand, software updates for DTM equipment are often managed with IDs and passwords, so used equipment is often not acceptable, so new equipment with a warranty is more advantageous in this area.

I'm sure it's broken" or "It will break soon."

It's true that these things can be worrisome. And it is also true that some of them are actually broken. However, it is also a fact that new products are not always broken. In other words, whether something breaks or not is not a matter of whether it is new or used. In addition, some used products have a track record of having been used without breaking down, so if you have a good eye for such things, you can predict the future to a certain extent better than with new products, which are still unknown. Well, it is quite difficult to judge that much, so it is important to choose a store that you can trust. In the end, the question is not whether to buy new or used, but whether to buy from a reliable store.

If you buy a used one in a rare color that you fall in love with at first sight, everyone will be envious of you.

This is a very common problem in the used car market. Even people who have been dealing in used cars for many years are surprised to see such a color. The probability of encountering rare items is high, and not just in terms of color! Another point is that you can't find them anywhere else. And it's interesting to note that used items like this can be surprisingly inexpensive.

It's good to be able to use them while eating pizza and not worry about it!"

The star of the party is the pizza, beer, and musical instruments! Whether or not you like it, you can't really enjoy the party if you're worried about dirt or scratches. The fun way to deal with used instruments is to add more memorable scratches to the scratched instruments that can be used without worrying. When I knocked over a beer as hard as I could on my Les Paul on the day I bought it, I thought from the bottom of my heart, "I'm so glad I bought it used...".

At first, you may think it is difficult to enter a second-hand store, but once inside, you will find yourself on a treasure hunt! You can have so much fun that you forget the time passing by.... You may find that effector you wanted a long time ago, or that guitar your buddies had in junior high school. It's like an unintentional time travel. Each used instrument is unique, so each one has its own drama. And used instruments are cool! These days, there are even new ones that have been scratched on purpose. But when it comes to scratchesThe real thing is used. Natural scratches are cool.

After you have enjoyed looking around, it's time to talk to the people in the store. Second-hand store staff may be older and unfriendly, and it may be difficult to talk to them, but in the end, many of them are actually nice people who do it because they like it. In addition, they may have a tremendous amount of knowledge because they identify so many used items every day. The shopkeepers are also old. It's a great feeling when you get to hear something really useful.

It's a great time to be able to check the timing of your encounter on the Web. In particular, you should check the website of "The Used Musical Instrument Store" located in front of Shin-Okubo Station on the JR Yamanote Line.
A huge inventory of over several thousand items is uploaded every day as soon as they arrive, so you can meet quite a few people just by looking here. You can also see detailed images from front to back, and even realistic movies! It's like seeing the real thing. This is perfect for those of you who are too busy to go looking for instruments. Another great thing is the column here. It's really great! It's a huge amount of information about guitars, effectors, etc., and it's packed with so much information that I'm a super-enthusiast! Just by reading this, you will stand out from your rivals! At the same time, the beginner-friendly series is easy to understand and worth reading.You're cool if you already know what you're talking about!

I know what you're thinking, "I've been looking for a used guitar and found a cool one, but I can't afford it. Being in a band is really expensive, with studio fees and travel expenses. THE used music store is on the side of such band members. We all love musical instruments, and we are all friends. So, if you have an instrument you want but can't afford, feel free to ask for advice. They will give you advice on how to trade in your existing instruments and buy them at a discount. Each of our staff members specializes in identifying thousands of used instruments every year, from guitars to amplifiers, PAs, wind instruments, and violins, so no matter what you're looking for, we can help you.

Even if the item is old and you wonder if it is worth the money, they will give it a professional look. After all, everyone loves musical instruments! If you have any unused instruments or equipment, ask them for advice. And even if you have no plans to buy an instrument, this store can help you. If you don't trade in your instrument, you can buy it back for cash. They are happy to pay you immediately on the spot. You can rely on them when you have a sudden gig and wonder if you can make your quota. Moreover, Shin-Okubo is the home of Asian cuisine. There are many cheap and delicious restaurants in Shin-Okubo, so it is also a good place to get your energy up.

Now, let's check out the equipment we have on hand.

There may be more treasures in your room.

If it's too big to take with you right away, send us a picture of it and we'll let you know how much you're getting for it.


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