Original machines are expensive and I worry about maintenance and breakdowns, and they are rack type shape.EffectorWe have received a number of users who were concerned that the original machines were too expensive, too expensive to maintain or break down, and could not fit on their boards...etc.Compact andEffectorIf it becomes compact, you can easily take it to the studio!

The "ROCKNAN" circuit was redesigned and assembled at a factory in Japan. We have overcome the weak points of the original circuit, such as noise reduction, to develop a new product that allows you to simply enjoy the ROCKMAN sound.TCGAKKIROCKMAN" will take the lead in the development of this new product and supervise it completely!

To make this project a reality,TCGAKKIEffectorUnder the leadership of Chief Sano, we have created SanofaceTCGAKKIEffectorteam and the uniqueG.O.A.T., which manufactures and sells unique and maniacal items, and many famous machines.Effectorand "G.O.A.T.", which manufactures and sells unique and maniacal items.and the engineers who have designed many of the famousand a special team was born.The special team was born.

- GOAT Blue Series





This is an illustration under development. Specifications and design may be subject to change.


Dedicated to distortion/overdriveEffectorIt is. It is equipped with a compressor and an equalizer that allows you to adjust the frequency range that is easy to use on your guitar.

●Distortion Harmonix: Adjusts the distortion gain, switchable between low for overdrive, mid for normal distortion, and high for intense distortion.

Pre Dist EQ: Three equalizers for Bass, Mid Boost, and 2kHz, each of which can be boosted or cut.

Treble Boost: Boosts only the treble range. The Treb Boost can boost the treble range only.

CLEAN: Emphasizes a clean sound when the guitar volume is turned down.

PHASE: Switch ON to produce a phase cancellation effect.



Chorus with analog BBD. It has a sweet and soft sound that goes well with distorted guitars.

Sweep Speed: Adjusts the speed of the oscillation, adjustable from 0.25Hz to 1Hz.
Deep Chorus: Adds a doubler effect (depth) to the chorus. The center position is the original ON state, and above the center position, you can create a "deeper" sound.
Direct Mixer: Three output patterns can be selected depending on the application.
Wide Stereo: Chorus with stereo output, creating a spacious effect by overlapping the positive and reverse phases.
Normal: General stereo effect can be experienced, and monaural output is also possible. Good balance of depth and spaciousness.
Equal: Both stereo and monaural outputs are possible. In stereo, Sweep Speed is very fast and depth is shallow. In mono, Sweep Speed is fast and the chorus is deep.



This is a delay/echo using analog circuitry. It delivers a correct stereo image from any setting position.

Feedback: Sets the delay duration.
Echo Time: Adjustable from 75 to 300 ms for L and 125 to 500 ms for R.
Pan Select: Selects the output method with a switch. The top position outputs a stereo signal mixed with a mono localized direct signal. The middle outputs both echo and direct signals in stereo. The lower part outputs a different mix of left and right signals.
The stereo out provides a unique echo sound experience.



SUSTAINOR, the most requested item in the Blue Series since its inception, has finally made its debut!The drive sound is of course back, but the clean sound is also fully restored!

MODE SELECT: There are two channels, CHAN A/B, which switch between DIST, EDGE, CLN, and CLN2.
DIST: Intensifies the mid-range frequencies to provide powerful overdrive.
EDDGE: Overdrive sound quality with slightly stronger midrange frequencies and more sustain.
●CLN: The overall EQ is similar to that of DIST and EDGE, but it has a clean sound with good sustain.
CLN2: Natural EQ with high frequency extension and compression.Electric AcousticCLN2: A natural EQ with extended high frequencies and a compressed clean sound.
GATE: Adjusts the sensitivity of the noise gate. This noise gate acts only on the high frequency range close to the noise frequency band. This allows you to obtain a noise reduction effect with no sound cutoff.


Tom Scholtz, the leader of BOSTON, launched SR&D (Scholtz Research & Development) in 1980. The brand name was changed to "ROCKMAN",EffectorThe brand name "ROCKMAN" has produced a number of models, mainly "ROCKMAN". It is said that ROCKMAN was originally inspired by SONY's Walkman, with the concept of "being able to take it anywhere and enjoy playing the guitar".

The sound of each model was very unique and full of originality, especially the DISTORTION GENERATOR released in 1987, which reigned as a representative of the many Rockman models. Distortion character is set and tone is controlled by a 3-band equalizer.

A treble boost before out allows for final adjustments. Follows high-gain sound with lead boost. The unique distortion sound with an emphasis on the middle range is unique to ROCKMAN.
STEREO CHORUS is another popular model, closely intertwined with distortion for a flowing chorus sound. The LONG CHORUS mode is especially effective for solo playing. It adds a thick spatial effect to the distortion sound. STEREO ECHO allows you to set your own echo time for even more effect, and the different echo time on the left and right sides produces a unique spatial spread and expresses a magnificent sound. It is an echo that everyone will recognize as soon as they hear it.

Coincidentally, in the early '90s, the digitalEffectorThe rise of the digitalEffectorThe digital age was in full decline.However, the unique tone of the sound still shines brightly today, and there are still many deep-rooted fans.

Tom Scholz, mentioned above, as well as Takahiro Matsumoto of B'z, used the preamp/multiEffectorThe 1U rack model XPR has been used for live performances.

GENERATOR" with that unique sound and distortion.and the warmth and sweetness that only analog can give you. STEREO CHORUS", and "STEREO ECHO" which mixes the left and right echo balance exquisitely in the space, and "SUSTAINOR" which was said to be impossible is now available! Now, "SUSTAINOR", which was said to be impossible, is on sale!

The sound you used to hear on records and CDs will come back to life here and now!

ROCKMAN", "LONG CHORUS" and "B'z" are registered trademarks.
This product is not related to "SR&D" or "Jim Dumlop".