アコースティック専門店「Advance Guitars」オープン!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

TCGAKKIThis is an important announcement from

We are pleased to announce that on March 2, we will open a new acoustic guitar specialty storeTCGAKKIWe are pleased to announce that we will be opening a new acoustic guitar specialty store on March 2, 2012.

The name is "Advance Guitars"!

In this video, Inoue, the new store manager, talks about his thoughts on the new store.


For more information, please click here.

Advance Guitar Top Page

With the opening of our new store, we are strengthening the purchase of acoustic guitars to great acclaim! Please feel free to contact us!☺︎

Advance Guitars Access: 0 minute walk from JR Shin-Okubo Station TCGAKKI 2nd floor

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