【くぼ管カスタム倶楽部】カリキオユーザー必見!ピストンバネ作ってみましたVer.2 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Calikio" is still a favorite maker of many users.
Many makers have made instruments based on Calikio as well as vintage backs, but the popularity of the original Calikio is so strong that even in the used market, there are many people who "go to play Calikio first when it comes in stock".

By the way, for all calikio owners...

How is the piston spring?

Is it pulled out of its original tension, or is it too strong for the touch after being replaced by another maker?
There are many people who have trouble with calicio springs because there are no ready-made springs that are just right for them.

So, we at KUBO TUBE CUSTOM CLUB are here to help you,We have produced a piston spring Ver.2 for calikio!

Explanation about Ver.2...
We have been selling Ver.1 spring since last fall. It was characterized by its firm touch and blowing feel. (Ver.1 is already sold out.)
This time, we reproduced a lighter touch, similar to the original Calikio. The treble range is more open and the original "calikio-like sound" has been reproduced.

The price is3,520 yen (tax included)The price is 3,520 yen (tax included).
If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us at .message board.


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