Hello, I'm Inoue.Advance Guitars InoueIt is.
I've been dealing with used and vintage guitars every day,
between the user and the guitar.storyWe notice that there are a lot of
Before we wereTCGAKKI YouTube channelbut our staff has also"Which guitar do you want to keep forever?"We are happy to introduce you to a video titled "Which guitar would you want to keep forever?
As you can see from this video, instruments in the hands of others have a bond with their users that goes beyond the model name alone.The one and only guitar in the worldI can't help but feel that this is the only guitar in the world.
And I, Inoue, with your permissionJ-Guitarto introduce the instruments that I actually own and their stories.
My Guitar Story: A Musical Instrument Store Owner and Manager's Heart
What are your honest impressions of the interview?
I think it was a good opportunity for us to share our daily interactions with our customers and what we are communicating on YouTube and other media.It's no different from what we do every day in our interactions with customers and on YouTube.This is what we are trying to do every day.
I know there have been things that I have not been able to put into words,
I am very happy that J-guitar was able to bring out the best in me and that I was able to put it into words this time.
Thank you very much.
Some of our customers also,
I know one of my favorite musicians used to use them in his gigs."
and some of our customers have a longing to have one in their hands,
"I was really impressed when I tried it at the store.
or "I was so surprised when I tried it at the store,
I think that the relationship with the instrument itself isirreplaceable.I believe that the relationship with the instrument itself is
It would be our pleasure if we could help you to create precious memories that you will look back on 10 to 20 years from now.
Let's have fun!
My Guitar Story Inoue from J-Guitar

1 Comment
う~ん。。これはギター好きにとっては永遠のテーマかもしれませんね。J-Guitarの「マイギターストーリー」でもお話を伺った皆さんの「心の1本」には本当に沢山の「想い」が詰まっていて、つくづくギターは「生きもの」なんだなぁ、と思います。これからも取材を通して沢山の方のギターへの「想い」をご紹介して行きたいと思います!ありがとうございました ^^