Epiohone Masterbilt Series 一挙入荷!!【Advance Guitars】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Epiphone Acoustic Guitars in stock now!

Epiphone "Masterbuilt Series", a popular all veneer guitar at a reasonable price.

We are pleased to announce that Advance Guitars will be handling this special item!

All of them are designed to be used in a wide range of applications.

And moreover!

This is an outlet item, so the price is even lower than the original.bargain!We are pleased to offer this item as an outlet item, so it is more economical!

Please take this opportunity to pick up a copy.


Epiphone / Masterbilt J-45 69,300 yen (tax included)Click here for the product page

Epiphone / Masterbilt J-45 ECClick here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt HummingbirdClick here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt HummingbirdClick here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt J-200Click here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt J-200Click here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt FT79 TexanClick here to go to the product page.

Epiphone / Masterbilt FT79 TexanClick here to go to the product page.


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