リペアマンはどう生きるか Part.1 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

How Repairmen Live Part.1

How Repairmen Live Part 1 - Should I Go to Vocational School? - The Repairman's Life Part 1   Hello,Repairman TanakaI am Tanaka.   TC-tuneVideo ser...
小河内の休暇【ロンドン〜パリ ‎ひとり旅】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Kogochi's Vacation [Lone Traveler from London to Paris].

Hello, my name is Ogouchi. Thank you for your continued patronage of TC Instruments. I am sorry to tell you about my personal life, but I went to E...
修理に欠かせないの材料のこと-コルク編- - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Materials essential for repair - cork

Hello! This is Takechi from Okubo Wind Instrument Store Repair.🎷   Saxophones, like most brass instruments, are made of a metal called "brass".Cork...
ギター・ベース修理調整に関するご案内 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Guitar and bass repair and adjustment information

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of our store.   We are sorry to inform you that we are currently not accepting any new order...
第2回改造エフェクターコンテスト1次審査を通過した23作品をご紹介! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Introducing the 23 entries that passed the first round of the 2nd Modified Effectors Contest!

  The 2nd Modified Effectors Contest 23 unique works passed the first round of judging! And the web voting for the second round has started! We hav...
小山内、初めての〇〇修理 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Koyamauchi, first time 00 repair

Hello, TC Musical Instrument Repair.KoyamauchiI am Koyamauchi!   This time I wrote about the repair of a certain object. It is not a musical instr...
第1回TC楽器野球大会!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

The 1st Annual TC Instrumental Baseball Tournament!

TC Musical Instruments Baseball Club (TCB) Director.Sanois.   Suddenly, Last Wednesday, August 2,We held a baseball tournament on August 2 (Wed.)!⚾...
第3世代のロータス・マウスピース、何が変わったの?? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Third generation Lotus mouthpieces, what's changed?

Kubo Tube, Nakamura! The third generation of Lotus Mouthpiece was released in Japan on August 5, 2023 (Saturday). The official website isClick here...
良い音って何だよ!!!! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

What's a good sound? !!!!

  Good evening good eveningThis is Naito from Advance Guitars.Summer is finally here, and what temperature do you set your air conditioner at whi...
【LOTUSマウスピース 第3世代販売のご案内】 - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

LOTUS Mouthpiece 3rd Generation Sales Announcement

LOTUS Mouthpiece 3rd Generation Sales Information The mouthpiece of Italian trumpet maker Lotus has been renewed to the 3rd generation.   What is L...
一生モノの資料ってありますよね... - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

There are some documents that last a lifetime...

Advance Guitars Inoue.Acoustic Guitar Magazine Vol. 97"Why We Love Vintage Acoustic Guitars"It's now on sale. Kazuyoshi Saito and Tsuyoshi Kusanagi...
簡単取り付けでテレキャスターをトレモロにできるVega-Tremの新作ブリッジ! - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI

Vega-Trem's new bridge that can make your Telecaster tremolo with easy installation!

 Hello.🔵 I'm Tsushima.     Hello everyone,     Do you like Telecasters?     Telecasters are the best, aren't they? It has a sound and feel tha...