夜の青梅街道で爆速ウォーキングおじさんを見かけたら!? - TC楽器 - TCGAKKI


Recently, there is a rumor going around that Kubotube manager Mizumoto disappears in the opposite direction of Shin-Okubo Station, in the direction of Kabukicho, after work, and it is true.

However, Shinjuku at night♡However, this does not mean that he wanders around Shinjuku at night.I walk home to Shinjuku station for exercise.

The reason I started walking was the result of my health checkup last fall.

Blood pressure, cholesterol, uric acid levels, etc., all of which are linked to the risk of adult diseases.CThe results of the survey were very disappointing.

Until now, I have been in good health. The results of my medical checkups have always been all A's.50After I turned 60 years old, the number of "B" grades began to appear, and the number of "C" grades increased dramatically.

However, I am not in bad shape; I have no subjective symptoms at all despite the parade of "C" tests. In fact, I feel fine. However, when I looked into it, I found out that this type is the most dangerous. They are people who played sports when they were young and have a little confidence in their physical strength. They do not care if they are detected in medical checkups, and they do not change their lifestyle. The probability that these overconfident people will suddenly pass away is high!

That's exactly what happened to me! I don't want to go to heaven just yet. So I made a big decision.30Last fall, I started walking from my store in Shin-Okubo to Shinjuku station on my way home from work. The shortest distance is close, so I walk about3km detour course three times a week. In the beginning, my muscles were sore even when walking, and it took me more than 30 minutes to walk 3 kilometers.20now it takes me only 2 minutes to reach the destination. By the way3Walking 3 kilometers20minutes is actually quite fast. It's like passing someone who is walking in front of you. It is a fast walk.

(↑I bought sneakers for the first time in 20 years for walking.)

5 since I startedI honestly don't feel that my body has become lighter or that my back pain has been cured.I was not in bad physical condition to begin with, so it may be inevitable. On the other hand, dinner after exercise is delicious, and I tend to eat too much. (That's not good!).

Anyway, continuity is power. My goal is to have a C of zero at my physical checkup this fall!

If you see an old man walking down Ome Kaido at night, it might be me.

Kubokubou Mizumoto 


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